...ABOUT US...

Viveka Welfare & Educational Illam (VWEL) is a charitable organization which has been started by a group of University Students and Graduates since December 2008, dedicated to assist the less privileged Malaysian Indians. Under (VWEL) this Group has start up an Orphanage Home (Viveka Illam), a Tuition Centre (Vivekananda Kalvi Nilaiyam) and a Counseling Centre (Viveka Career Counseling & Guidance).

Established in August 2009, the Illam is based in Rawang. The Illam has grown in strength from an initial membership of 30 to over 200 members today.

Viveka Welfare & Education Illam (VWEL) has always extended itself to address new and emerging issues in the community that receive inadequate attention but require imperative action. Its efforts over the years have benefited many poor Indians throughout the country.

Initially, its' activities were confined to those living in and around Rawang, Bukit Beruntung, Rasa, Serendah, Ulu Yam, Batang Kali, Batu Caves, Kepong, Jinjang & Kuala Lumpur but now its' resources and expertise reach target groups from Kedah to Johor.


The aim of the Illam is to promote education as the key for advancement. The Foundation also seeks to generate an awareness of self-worth, discipline and greater participation in the social and economic development of the nation.

Towards this end, the Illam aims at fulfilling the following objectives:

  • To raise awareness of civil, educational, economic and social issues.
  • To increase the opportunities to succeed in education.
  • To assist in the development of business entrepreneurship and support career development.
  • To undertake charitable activities that would improve the welfare of the less privileged.
  • To conduct research on issues that would contribute towards the well-being of Malaysian Society.
How Can You Help Us

In order for us to proceed with our efforts, we are counting on compassionate people like you who assist us with your valuable contributions, so we can work collectively towards improving our society and building our nation.


We welcome volunteers who would like to participate in our activities, either on a regular basis or for specific projects.


In order to carry out our activities, we depend on organizations and individuals for support.

Donations can be made by cheque, bank draft or postal order and sent to our secretariat office. Kindly include sender's name and address. All donations are tax exempt. Receipts will be provided.

We would like to offer corporations partnership in our activities, especially our programs for schools and welfare homes. Interested parties are advised to contact us for more details at 03-60913759 or email us at viveka_illam@yahoo.com